So, this post is about animals because my little sister Josie wanted to know what type of animals and bugs are here, so Josie, this is for you.(:
In Costa Rica, the national animal is the sloth. I have been here for 2 months, and I still haven't seen one-there must be something wrong with me. Sloths are really slow-moving animals, so you'd think I'd be able to catch one sleeping in the trees or something, but no. Que mal!(;
But anyway besides the sloth there are a lot of different types of birds here. My family owns two parrots, both of which are crazy funny! If you say, "Hola" to one of them, he will say it back to you!
My family also has a pet deer, "Babe", who was suppose to be pregnant but isn't looking like it so I guess she won't be having babies of her own soon. But she is a sweetheart and will always come to you if you call her.
Okay, back to the birds! They are all very colorful! Reds, yellows, greens, blues fly around and then of course you have the pigeon..which has to be one of the grossest birds
everrr....but whatever. I'm sure they have these in every country, which is horrible. Getting off track again! So, my dad here told me there are more than 800 species of birds, which is pretty crazy!! I have seen a toucan, which was kinda far away, but at least I saw it, and I have also seen lots of humming birds. These have to be some of my favorite birds because they bring really good memories of my entire family hanging out at my grandma's house, but other than that they are so cute! There are also some weird looking birds I have seen, with oddly shaped "tails" or crazy patterns, but no matter what they always seem to fascinate me, of course with the exception of pigeons. I have also seen some peacocks, which were in a cage in the pet store. That didn't seem very right, but I made no comment. I'm the kind of person who is used to seeing the peacocks roaming around the zoo, without the cage, just walking around. I didn't expect to see them in tiny cages here. But hey, it's not right, it's not wrong, it's just different.

So this is my only "good" picture of the toucan I saw, it's not much but its a toucan!(;
Besides birds, there are the other really great animals here. So as I said the sloth is the national animal, and I swear if I don't see one soon I'm going to be hitting myself! There are also....MONKEYS!!!! I was totally off guard when I first heard them, and then I looked up and what do you know, a whole clan of them-like 10 in one tree!! There is also an animal called a coati, which is kinda like a raccoon. When I was with AFS on a trip to Volcan Iruza, we had a surprise attack of a coati. He just kinda ran up to us and wouldn't leave us alone or our food! There are also all the farm animals like the cows, the pigs, the goats (which I milked!), the rabbits, and HORSES! I'm pretty sure every girl has a thing for horses, they are just so amazing! I remember when I was a little girl, I made my dad watch, National Velvet almost everyday! So, of course, when I was given the chance to gallop in the wind on a horse on the beach, I couldn't just let that pass(; I've also ridden more horses here in my neighborhood because many neighbors have horses.

It isn't exactly a clear picture, but here are the monkeys!
Me milking the goat!!
My friend Emma, Ryan and I with rabbits
The coati that was such a "celebrity" at the volcano!
And then of course you've got the crocodiles! And I swear, these things are gigantic!! A great place to see them is right under the bridge leading to Playa Jaco. They are everywhere! When I first saw them all I was saying to myself was, "don't fall in, don't fall in!!" They were crazy big! I also saw some others at a national park, but they weren't as impressive. There are also many iguanas here-tons actually! They climb on trees, they sit on benches, they sun bathe, they follow you around. They are everywhere! Then there are some frogs. The ones I have seen have been pretty big and made me jump, but all in all they are just kinda fun to watch. There are also snakes! Luckily, I haven't had to deal with one too close, but I have seen one and usually I am not afraid of snakes, but this one freaked me out! It is also turtle season, the babies are about to be hatched, and they will make their way from their eggs to the beach! My mom here told me we would all go to watch this amazing miracle, but until then I have only seen the turtles at the national park in Heredia. These things are pretty funny, lazy, and obviously like to sun bathe!

Some crocodiles
An iguana
There are a lot of fish here, but I have only seen the ones in the river near my house, and one in the ocean that accidentally swam into me-I kinda flipped out! But there are dolphins here, and I plan on swimming with some before I leave, and there are also lots of beautiful colorful fish that I will hopefully see soon because I am going snorkeling soon!
And of course you can't forget the bugs! Beetles, flies, ants gallor! And the spiders. Oh god the spiders. At first, I could not handle it. Thankfully I live in a place where it isn't that hot, and not too cold, so the bugs aren't that bad, and there aren't lots and lots of spiders, but I mean it's not like you can just tell them to leave, because they wont. The first time I saw the massive spider sitting on my backpack I flipped. I legit could not go near it, I could not touch it, I was petrified. I had to make my dad kill it. But after being here for so long, the spiders aren't really that big of an issue, they are just there. And I let them be unless they are gigantic, which usually they aren't, and if they are I kill it. Fruit flys can be a bit of a problem for me, because I just hate having bugs around food, but if I see them I usually open a window, clean the counter, put away food, and they are gone before I know it. There are also the gorgeous butterflies that legit are EVERYWHERE and it just brightens your day when you see one. In Seattle, butterflies are hard to find, they don't come often, (especially compared to here) and if anything you will see a moth instead of a butterfly. But here, they are everywhere! Blue, red, yellow, purple-everywhere!

The gigantic spider in my room!
So that's all I can think of right now, I will most likely think of more later but whatever, it doesn't matter!(: Josie I hoped you liked it, I miss you chica but I will see you soon! Go to the zoo soon or something! Love you girl! Oh and also I am suppose to make a "shout out" to Kyle Hinton-read my blog loser...(; So for now, hasta luego!