Thursday, November 8, 2012


Now, I am sure a lot of you know the meaning of Spanglish, a mix of English and Spanish. These past weeks, Spanglish has really been involved in my life!(;
I have some of the funniest girls in my class, and they like to "practice" their English with me. However, practicing English means making up new words that even I don't understand. These girls also tell me my English isn't correct, and that they need to teach me. So, my Spanglish is getting quite well.

The first thing you need to know, is that the verbs in Spanish end in -ar, -er, or -ir. So, the verb "to eat" is comer, or the verb "to walk" is caminar. Now, instead of using these words, my friends have come up with a new way of speaking-Spanglish. They now say, "Abby, vamos a eatiar!" (Abby, lets go eat.). The first time they told me this I was so confused, but now I have been accustomed to their new language, and I even caught myself using the word, "shaviar"!

Some other expressions that are regularly used in my group of friends are:

  • "Una cosa beautiful" - something beautiful
  • "Vamos a go" - we will go
  • "Swimiar en su pool" - swim in your pool
  • "Baile hot" - dance hot
  • "Un chico sexy y hot" - a hot and sexy guy
  • "Vamos walkiar a clase English" - Let's go walk to English class
  • "Sitiar en la chair" - sit in the chair
  • "May guapo en el world" - The most attractive in the world
  • "Muy good gente" - very good people
There are so many more, but these are some that I heard today! Spanglish is a way for the girls to practice their English with me, but honestly I just can't stop laughing. As my friend Chini would say, "Es una cosa muy beautiful!" 

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