Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Exam week

Well, as the title indicates, I am doing exams right now......not too fun:/. It is definitely better than sitting in a classroom for 8 hours, but still....its exams! My high school in the US told me I needed passing grades, and they wouldn't care how bad they were, I would get credit if I passed a class. I thought that was simple enough, that I would be able to be BFFs with the teachers, that they would feel bad for me because I was an exchange student, and would give me good grades!(: ----well that isn't exactly the case. I mean lets be honest, I have some teachers who absolutely love me and give me decent grades because I try in their class, and they know I don't understand. Then you have the other teachers, take for example my Chemistry teacher. She gives me the grades I receive-which are REALLY bad grades. Today I had the Chemistry exam, and lets be honest, I was silently laughing to myself the entire time because I understood NOTHING!!!! So, I decided I'm just going to go at it with an open heart, and later persuade the teachers to give me decent grades!(;   If it doesn't work...oh least I tried!

Okay anyway back to exams! Monday there weren't any because I guess the students went on strike...who knows, I wasn't there and no one really explained it to me, and when I asked they wouldn't tell me because it was bad. Tuesday I had Social Studies, which went better than I expected-I studied so that helps. As I said, today I had Chemistry-which was just horribly horrible!! Every time I think about that test I start laughing because I know the teacher will be so confused with me! I wrote her a lot of notes also! Tomorrow I have Espanol and Psychology....then Friday I have Biology. THEN I GO TO THE PENINSULA OF OSA!!!!! I will write more about that once I come back-which will be Tuesday, and I will miss (and retake) English and Fisics. And finally, Wednesday, will be math.

Now, exam week for the students here is a time of stress, and lots of studying. For me, it is a time of relaxation! And I absolutely loveeee it!!! I only have to go to school for about an hour, take a test that doesn't really mean much to me, and then go home and relax. I am also a bit sick right now, so going home is so much better than sitting in a classroom. Don't worry Mom, I am getting a lot better.(;

Alright so quick update on my day-to-day life: For the past couple of weeks, I have been having dreams that were part English part Spanish, and I didn't really make much of it because there was English in the dreams as well, and I thought that "technically" it didn't count as a "Spanish dream". But, this morning I woke up and realized I had dreamt in total Spanish last night! It was the weirdest thing ever!! But it was also so cool, and I didn't actually think it would happen to me but hey-I dreamt in Spanish!!

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