Sunday, October 28, 2012

101 dias!

Well, yesterday I was suppose to write a post about how I have been here for 100 days-but guess what, I missed it! So, today is 101 days in Costa Rica, and personally I think it is a really big deal!! I remember when I was in kindergarten, and when it was the 100th day of school, there was a big party where we got these cool glasses that said "100"!-if your school didn't do this-I feel bad for you!(; Anyway, 100 days yesterday, and it really is crazy to think I have been here for this long!

So, I haven't really updated you all on my life, more like little factors that I see and do everyday. But you will be happy to know I am doing absolutely fantastic! School is going well, and I am really starting to become better friends with the girls in my class and a few girls who are in the other classes! And, my Spanish is improving A LOT! I do understand pretty much everything people tell me, and my friends and family tell me I have improved immensely! I remember the first day here, and all I said was, "que" and "si, si!" to everything-I had no idea what I was doing. But now, I am able to actually have a conversation, (well, kinda) and get my point across as well as understand others! I think the really fun part is being able to understand jokes! When you're able to get the punch line of jokes, that's when you know you are really getting somewhere with your Spanish skills! Also dreaming in Spanish has become a regular thing-and it is suppperrr weird!
The food here, is soooo good! My mom and I always talk about how much people eat here because it is just so tasty! Honestly, I have gained weight.....and I remember joking around about 2 years ago about how I could eat as much as I want and I wouldn't gain anything! HA-que comico. So, I have started working out more, and I am playing soccer-which is a bucket full of fun!! Soccer is really great and the women on my team do range in age, but all of them are so nice and funny!

Alright, so that is a little summary of how I have been doing...101 days later!! Oh also-there have been a lot of earthquakes, but luckily Puriscal isn't greatly effected by them! Anyway, I am having the time of my life, and that is the truth. I absolutely love it here, and I feel like I have lived here a lot longer than 3+ months. I know I'm not technically a "tourist" anymore, and that I actually live here, because I now have a Visa, and people can't stay in the country for more than 3 months without one! It feels great! Even though I am a "gringa" (North American), I feel like a tica more and more everyday. I love Costa Rica-so for now, Pura Vida, and hasta luego!

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