Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Feliz Navidad!

FELIZ NAVIDAD!!! (aka Merry Christmas!) Wow, the "dreaded" day has come-and to be honest, I am really happy it is Christmas, and surprisingly, I'm not really homesick! I feel great, and I feel like I have overcome a big obstacle in my life! How many people can say they've been over seas, away from their families during Christmas (also add the fact you're an emotional teenage girl haha)-not a lot!(;  My Christmas was definatly different, but in a good way. It was a real twist, but it was fun, and I am glad I got to spend it with such amazing people.

So here in Costa Rica, the Christmas celebrations are really on the 24th. So people usually go to Church (my family decided not to, which was REALLY weird for me), and then they go visit family. We first went to my uncles house-and of course, we ate....A LOT! During Christmas, the typical food is tamales, agua dulce, and chicharones. After that we went to my aunts house, and ate more tamales, more meat, and we ate my pineapple cake! At my aunt's house, it seemed like the entire family had assembled together, but there were only about 30 people-aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, neighbors, you name it! It was a great way to celebrate!
One of the BEST tamale I have eaten!

Me and my tia

At my uncle's house, eating tamales 

Me, my tia Ligia (aka my favorite Tia!), and Lupe

After that, we went back home, and ate more! Then we gave out the presents. My family and I did Secret Santa, which was a lot easier on me, considering the fact I only have so much money. That was really fun to see, because my family jokes around a lot, so opening presents were super funny! After the presents, my mom decided she wanted to have a "dance party" so we spent the rest of the night dancing, eating chocolate, ice cream, and just having a fun time!
My Mami with her new purse

The family, minus my Papa who is taking the picture

Lupe and my Papa

Today...was, to be honest, a bit boring. I skyped my family, and saw them open the package I sent them, which was really fun to see! Although the coffee I sent spilt EVERYWHERE, they liked the gift and hey!-it's the thought that counts!(; But as I said, today I didn't do anything Christmasy, and that was one of the weirdest things for me! I went and played soccer with my cousins, and then hung out at the house!

So, Christmas in Costa Rica-it is different, but it is an expierence I will take with me in life. The thing about Christmas here, is everyone prepares for it about 3 months in advance! You know those people who start playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving, and everyone gets mad at them?! Yeah, here, Christmas music is playing after Independence Day, which means mid-September! Christmas here is such a big thing, that involves lots and lots of family. And as I said, its big on the 24th. Although my family didn't have a tree, I still felt the Christmas cheer! Hope everyone had a great Christmas, if you want to send me a gift, feel free to send sun screen!(;

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