Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Wonderful World of Water

Water. What a simple word, and for most of us, something we can access quite easily. I've always learned about saving water, the basics: turn off the water when you brush your teeth, don't waste water, ect. Well, I've learned to do that, but I was never faced with the problem of loosing water. Well, that has changed. In my city, there are times when the water turns off, and a whole neighborhood is left without water. Thankfully, this doesn't happen to me often, because my family lives away from the city, and there is a river right by my house, but other friends live with this situation, and it has become a part of their lives. Today for example, there was no water in Puriscal, from 8 in the morning, till 8 at night. No water in schools, in homes, at offices. This really is a problem, but the people have learned to deal with it. And, it has made me more aware of what is going on in our world. WE, the people, need to take care of the Earth.

I never thought I would be presented this situation, where water was hard to get at times, so we need to be thankful for what we are given, humble about how we have it, and helpful to those who are unable to recieve.

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