Sunday, April 21, 2013

All these bugs!

There are so many bugs right now, it is ridiculous! But hey, it's nature. and that's what you get for living in a tropical country! The rainy season is starting to come back, and with the rain, it is even hotter in the day, with a lot more bugs. The flies are out of control, but that is nothing compared to another: Abejones. They are kinda like big flying beetles, but they can't stay up in the air for so long because they weigh so much, so they just bob around-they are gross! So, my brother and I have made a game out of them to make it a little more fun, and a little less creepy. If you hit one in the air and kill it, you get 10 points, if you kill it on the ground, you get 5 points. I can't even start to describe how intense this has become between us!
All in all, the bugs aren't that bad, I mean sure they are annoying at times, but I have become used to it. Also I don't scream at all when I see a spider. Which is a big accomplishment for me because I used to have my brother Van come in my room back in the US to kill spiders for me! If I am able to kill a bug, I have no problem, on the other hand, when I am "defenseless", that's where it gets a little bad. For example, when I was in church there were thousands of abejones, because they are attracted to light. And I could not kill a single one, because I would look a little crazy running around trying to kill all the bugs that were there! But, bugs are bugs are bugs, and they are starting to calm down a little more!

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