Sunday, April 28, 2013

AFS dinner

One of the really cool things about AFS, is there is always something going on; you are always meeting, or interacting, with new people. Well, on Saturday, I, along with 4 other exchange students went to a very special dinner that AFS was hosting. There were AFS ambassadors from Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, and of course Costa Rica. Not to mention many volunteers who help out in AFS, roughly there were around 80 people that attended the dinner. It was very formal...very, very formal. The exchange students and I went to, I guess you could say, "entertain" everyone, but really, it felt more like we were demonstrating what we have done here, how we have grown, and what it means to truly immerse yourself in the culture. I sang "Eres Para Mi", while my friend Matti from Austria played the guitar. The other exchange students did a typical dance. I think we all felt really happy we went, and honestly it was an honor to meet a lot of the people there, especially the ambassadors.
Digna, Shey, Jonathan, Me, Matti (Austria), Hannah (Germany), Carmen (Germany), and Erica (Italy).

The typical dance.

Festival de las bandas!

Last night I sang again with THE VISITORS! But, this time we sang in a much bigger place, and there were other bands that played as well. It was awesome-it was so much fun and all the bands were great. It started around 6:30ish and ended at 12, but that was totally expected because there were about 7 bands that played in all. We played really well, and just an observation, my confidence in singing in front of people has gone up! I'm not as nervous as I used to be, and now I just make sure I have fun with it! We played really well, and more videos will be coming so you can listen.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

All these bugs!

There are so many bugs right now, it is ridiculous! But hey, it's nature. and that's what you get for living in a tropical country! The rainy season is starting to come back, and with the rain, it is even hotter in the day, with a lot more bugs. The flies are out of control, but that is nothing compared to another: Abejones. They are kinda like big flying beetles, but they can't stay up in the air for so long because they weigh so much, so they just bob around-they are gross! So, my brother and I have made a game out of them to make it a little more fun, and a little less creepy. If you hit one in the air and kill it, you get 10 points, if you kill it on the ground, you get 5 points. I can't even start to describe how intense this has become between us!
All in all, the bugs aren't that bad, I mean sure they are annoying at times, but I have become used to it. Also I don't scream at all when I see a spider. Which is a big accomplishment for me because I used to have my brother Van come in my room back in the US to kill spiders for me! If I am able to kill a bug, I have no problem, on the other hand, when I am "defenseless", that's where it gets a little bad. For example, when I was in church there were thousands of abejones, because they are attracted to light. And I could not kill a single one, because I would look a little crazy running around trying to kill all the bugs that were there! But, bugs are bugs are bugs, and they are starting to calm down a little more!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Last Sunday, Lupe, Rafa, and I went rafting! There are many places to go rafting in Costa Rica, but we decided to go to the Pacuare River, which is located in Cartago, and close to Limon. We were in the water for 4 hours straight! It is defiantly something a lot of tourists do because we saw a lot of foreigners, and I understand why because it is an adventure! We started off at around 10, went through rapids, swam in the water, and almost fell off a couple of times! Then we had lunch, and continued our trip through the mountains, and through the Telemaca, which is one of the most inhibited places in Costa Rica that are home to indigenous people. There they live without electricity, and live a simple life-style.
Our trip went by pretty fast, we had an awesome guide, and he let us do a lot of fun stuff. The rapids weren't that bad, because we went in the time were there wasn't a lot of water. If you want to go rafting, I would personally suggest going around June, July, August. That is when it rains a lot, which means there is more water and more rapids. But, besides that, we had a blast. One of the coolest things that we did was something called "surf". Once we went down a small waterfall/rapid, we would paddle back to it, and be pushed away by the water-that was honestly one of the funniest things! I can't describe the 4 hour trip, but I would highly recommend going rafting one day. It doesn't have to be in Costa Rica, but it is something that will be worthwhile  I know I want to do it again, or try kayaking or something else to that extent.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Wonderful World of Water

Water. What a simple word, and for most of us, something we can access quite easily. I've always learned about saving water, the basics: turn off the water when you brush your teeth, don't waste water, ect. Well, I've learned to do that, but I was never faced with the problem of loosing water. Well, that has changed. In my city, there are times when the water turns off, and a whole neighborhood is left without water. Thankfully, this doesn't happen to me often, because my family lives away from the city, and there is a river right by my house, but other friends live with this situation, and it has become a part of their lives. Today for example, there was no water in Puriscal, from 8 in the morning, till 8 at night. No water in schools, in homes, at offices. This really is a problem, but the people have learned to deal with it. And, it has made me more aware of what is going on in our world. WE, the people, need to take care of the Earth.

I never thought I would be presented this situation, where water was hard to get at times, so we need to be thankful for what we are given, humble about how we have it, and helpful to those who are unable to recieve.

Grace's Visit

About a week ago, my best friend Grace from the United States came to visit me! That was honestly one of the coolest things in the world! Not going to lie, I was a bit nervous at first, I didn't know if it was going to be weird, or awkward, or if she was going to think I have changed a lot. On Friday at around 6ish my family and I went to the airport to meet her, and that was the start of an adventurous week!

We went to Playa Conchal, which personally my favorite beach in Costa Rica. If anyone travels to Costa Rica, make sure you go to Guanacaste , Playa Conchal-it is GORGEOUS! The water is clear, you can open your eyes underwater, and the sand is white, and there are a lot of things to do there! We also visited Guapiles . I have family there, so we stayed with them, rode horses, and ate (a lot!) there. We drove to the Caribbean  but when we arrived it was raining! But that didn't stop us from going into the teal water. We also went surfing in Jaco, which is such a thrill. I believe, that if you ever get the chance to go surfing, take it. Don't be afraid, be careful, but go for it! You won't regret it! Besides the miny trips, we hung out at home, in the pool, went on a hike with my dad, and talked, and talked, and talked, and talked, and talked! It was great to see her after 8 months! It was unreal to have her here, and I had a great time.

I can't believe I only have 2 months left...that just scares me. I ask myself sometimes, ... "Wait...where did the time go?!!" It has FLOWN by, and so I am going to do as much as I can, and experience as much as I can in these last 2 months.

My Welcome to Costa Rica sign. I was getting a lot of looks, everyone else's signs were small, and white. BEING CREATIVE!!

This is at Playa Conchal. (from left to right: Rafa, Lupe, me, Grace.)

Grace with one of the horses in Guapiles

One of the baby chickens

Surfing in Jaco

Grace and I on the hike.

My Papa, Grace and I on the hike