Friday, May 31, 2013

Spanish: Speaking, Thinking, Dreaming

Since I've been here for over 10 months, Spanish has become my life. Not only do I speak it 24/7, but I think in Spanish; which is something completely strange. I would have never thought it possible to think in another language. In the beginning of the year, when I would speak, I would have to mentally translate, but now I just speak and speak and speak and speak, and I absolutely love it. Along with all of this, I dream in Spanish... I CAN'T ESCAPE IT! hahaha! I don't really notice it as much as I used to, but it is something I had to get used to.
I feel really accomplished, and that was my goal in coming to Costa Rica, to not only experience something new, but learn a language, and I can say that I have definitely learned Spanish. Yes, it was very hard. I went though a couple of breakdowns, but hey-that's life. And I know, from my experience, that if anyone wants to learn a language, if they work hard, they can do it.  One quote I really like is, "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." -Frank Smith.

When I go back to the US, I plan on learning another language (ahhh!!), either Portuguese or German, I haven't exactly decided yet. It feels so good, to be able to talk to people in different countries, and learn different cultures. And to be able to talk, and to learn, you experience difficulties, but those are nothing compared to what you receive.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog, what language did you choose to become tri-lingual?

    1. Hi, thank you! I'm learning Portuguese. However my university does not offer a class so I am using online language programs and hopefully (fingers crossed!), I'll make my way to Portugal or Brazil in the coming years!
