Monday, January 21, 2013

Festival de Palmares

On Sunday, I went to a festival in Palmares, which is about an hour or so from San Jose. There were carnival rides, food stands, concerts, water attractions, and "toros". When I went, my friends and I saw Shaggy, the international reggae singer, and we hung out around the festival, but one of the biggest things at the festivals, are the toros. I didn't go, because it cost $24 to enter, and to be honest I don't have the money to go see people get chased by bulls-that's right! The toros, are when people enter a big stadium  and run from a bull, which is quite dangerous and really stupid. If you don't go to the toros, you can watch it on TV. There are about 80 people in each toro, and I can't even count how many toros there are....a lot! And it is reallllyyyy dangerous, but somehow entertaining. But, it was scary, because people got hurt really easily. But it is a big tradition, so, if you ever decide to go to Costa Rica, and enroll yourself in a toro, careful! Anyway, my time in Palmares was fun, as I said, I went to the Shaggy concert, and also saw a number of bands and rappers from Costa Rica sing as well, which was really cool, and a different cultural experience.
This is a pretty brutal picture, of what the toros look like, as you can see, the bull is....well running into the man who was crazy enough to run around him.

Also, it is hard to believe, but yes....Sunday was 6 months-AHHHHHH THATS CRAZY!!! I know I have said this sooo many times, but it has gone by so so so so sooooo fast. And these next months are going to flyyyy by. I don't know how I feel about that, but I am ready to approach these months with an open mind and get ready for what is ahead. School starts soon...I don't really know how I feel about that at the moment, haha I'll get back to you. So, for now, Pura Vida.

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